When fueled by love and care, words become more than just words.

They become anchors of human connection that bring out the best in people.

In case you haven’t noticed, the world needs the best in all of us right now.

Scroll down for ways you can help.

Give Away Kindness Cards

Sometimes all we need is a reminder of something we already know, offered by someone who cares.

Kindness Cards are a powerful tool for expressing gratitude, offering comfort, encouraging greatness, and creating connection. See all 180+ messages. Keep them as reminders for yourself, or give them away to others.

Here are some simple ideas for using Kindness Cards:

Cards are 2” x 3.5” and printed on card stock. Free printable downloads also available.

Plant Signs of Kindness

“I just want to thank you for the signs you have out. I often get the urge to give up. Tonight was one of those nights. Couldn’t help but cry after I saw them while driving past. Didn’t expect it, but it helped!” - Note left on a church door in Cleveland, OH on Christmas Eve 2019

“Sometimes all you need is for someone to say ‘you got this.’ Thanks for giving us a way to do that! Even our stoic mailman loves them.” - Julie M, Natick, MA

Signs of Kindness offer words of encouragement to each person who sees them.

  • Plant them in your yard or garden, or in the window of your home or apartment

  • Put them outside your store, office, or retail space

  • Buy them for your local church, school, senior center, or community gathering space

  • Display them during a festival or public event

  • Use them to celebrate a special friend, family member, or community volunteer

  • Set up a sign lending program for your community

  • Move them around to different places each week

  • If/When you decide you’re done with yours, pay it forward to someone else

Available Messages: You are Loved; You are Needed; You are Worthy; You Belong: You Deserve Happiness; You are Awesome; You are Amazing; You Rock; You are Appreciated; What You Do Matters; You are Strong; You are Powerful; You’ve Got This; You Have What it Takes; You are Not Alone; It is Okay Not to Know; You Matter; Your Voice Matters; Your Love Matters; Thank You for Being You; Smiley Face

Join a Program

“Anne’s expert moderation allows each person to participate and share as much as they feel comfortable doing.  She is skilled at reflecting back the essence of what people say, finding the good in their experience, and accepting each of us where we are.” — Daniel O, Newton, MA

“Every time I am in your presence, I can feel your inner joy, and it is extraordinary. Thank you for helping me find self-love, acceptance, and forgiveness.” — Eric J, Boston, MA

Leading with kindness is gratifying and rewarding, but it can be hard to know where to start. It can also be lonely and difficult to sustain when it feels like you’re the only one who wants to do it.

Gift of Happiness programs are a way to get hands-on practice creating positive moments of connection, in a way that is authentic and meaningful to you. You’ll receive guidance and accountability, as well as meet others like you who care deeply about other people and want to have a positive impact on the world.

Stay in the Loop

Here’s how:

YouTube: Informal stories, examples, and commentary on relationship-building and connection

Facebook: Ideas for creating a deeper sense of connection in families, schools, and communities

LinkedIn: Content for human-centered leaders and business owners who care about culture and relationships

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